The IMAGO Sensitiv is able to test weak organ systems and target specific organs for pathological process and microorganisms. The Bio Resonance Therapy treatment normalizes micro flora of an organ and restores altered organ functions.
IMAGO is an acronym for Individual Monitoring Of Anatomical Graphic Organs
After an IMAGO session, it is important to hydrate for 2 hours as a large number of endotoxins leave the body.
Bio Resonance Therapy is creating a corridor of inverted influence (mirror) pathological electro-magnetic waves of the patient only to the current area. There is no damage to the organ tissue which is important for general body recovery. The treatment and recovery is done on the deep cell level.
The second level of influence is frequency compensation; this is the Bio Resonance surface influence on the whole organ. In doing so, all the process in the organ is harmonized, after deep influence of the BRT. The goal is to remove endotoxins from cells into the intercellular space and then cells of the whole organ are recovered.
Bioresonance treatment consists of 2 stages, which are conducted consecutively one after the other:
1st stage: BRT-therapy
2nd stage: Frequency compensation (Forecast or reserves)
In addition to each IMAGO sessions, diet, body-composition, blood test results, functional medicine testing results and recovery strategies will be encountered and addressed at each visit.
The goal is to fix the underlying root cause of your problem and not just suppress symptoms.
Prevent pathology in its early stage and bring you, the patient back to wellness!
IMAGO is an acronym for Individual Monitoring Of Anatomical Graphic Organs
After an IMAGO session, it is important to hydrate for 2 hours as a large number of endotoxins leave the body.
Bio Resonance Therapy is creating a corridor of inverted influence (mirror) pathological electro-magnetic waves of the patient only to the current area. There is no damage to the organ tissue which is important for general body recovery. The treatment and recovery is done on the deep cell level.
The second level of influence is frequency compensation; this is the Bio Resonance surface influence on the whole organ. In doing so, all the process in the organ is harmonized, after deep influence of the BRT. The goal is to remove endotoxins from cells into the intercellular space and then cells of the whole organ are recovered.
Bioresonance treatment consists of 2 stages, which are conducted consecutively one after the other:
1st stage: BRT-therapy
2nd stage: Frequency compensation (Forecast or reserves)
In addition to each IMAGO sessions, diet, body-composition, blood test results, functional medicine testing results and recovery strategies will be encountered and addressed at each visit.
The goal is to fix the underlying root cause of your problem and not just suppress symptoms.
Prevent pathology in its early stage and bring you, the patient back to wellness!
If you suffer from any of the following, give us a call today!
Gastro-Intestinal Issues
Earaches Ringing in the ears Sinus Problems